Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Tool/software: Hi there!
I'm a student at Texas A&M, and I'm working on an RF project using the CC1354P10-1 LaunchPad . I'm using the rfEchoTx.c demo as a foundation and integrating it with an LCD display,…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Tool/software: Hi Champs:
Some questions :
Q1. How is the CC13 reset pin + DIO15 pin connection when you are doing UART download from the Processor?
Q2. The DIO15 pin needs to GND all the time during the download period…
Hi Eduardo, 1. What you want to do in this case is to follow the implementation of the ping (easiest from pyspinel) to replicate it as a command sent from the embedded MCU over UART. 2. You can start by following the implementation from PySpinel to the…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354P10 , SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi Champ:
May I know how to test the Thread on CC1354P10?
Any doc to follow?
BR Rio
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354P10 Tool/software: Champs:
Is this stuff running on Linux AM64 working with CC1354P10 as well?
Since the webside is aiming for CC13x2.
please confirm.
BR Rio
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-XDS110ET , UNIFLASH , CC1354P10 Tool/software: Hi Toby : We purchased the LP-EM-CC1354P10-6 development board and LP-XDS110ET connector. They have now been received and are being tested. …
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Tool/software: Hi,
I am looking for the RD design file of LP-EM-CC1354P10-6. But the link in is not working any more. I also can't find this in the production folder.…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-ULPSENSE Tool/software: Hello, I'm looking at the example for the capacitive touch of CC1354, in the "Ultra-Low Power Sensing Applications With CC13x2/CC26x2" Documentation it's mentioned…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE Tool/software: Hi,
We are evaluating the cc1354 for a new project. We have been able to create a project using ccs theia but could not find how to start the energy trace.
The menu…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC1354P10 Tool/software: Hi,
How can I perform a CoAP GET request from node to border router and use the value sent in response?
I have already seem the Training example about sending a POST from node to border router, I tried to do…