Part Number: LP5030 Dear all, I cannot find on DS whether the OUTxx pins are tied to VCC for ESD protection, allowing a maximum voltage of barely VCC+0.3 on every OUT pin.
I'm designing a system in which main supply is 2.8V. This means I have to tie to…
Part Number: LP5030 There is a IREF pin can connected resistor to ground to set common current limit.
Can I set current limit for some driving ports by hardware individually?
Part Number: LP5036 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5012 , LP5030 , LP5018 , LP5024 , LP5009 ,
Hi team,
As shown in Fig.1, I meet a error when I use GUI downloaded from to drive LP5012 EVM. Can you provide the latest GUI of LP5009, LP5012, LP5018…
Part Number: LP5030 Hello team,
my customer is using the LP5030 and noticed something about the address of the broadcast.
At page 21 of the datasheet, on table 2. Slave-Address Combinations, it shows that the IC can be configured with the addresses …
Part Number: LP5030 I have a customer that is looking at an architecture where there are two boards, a master and a slave. The master has a microprocessor and one LP5030. The slave has just the LP5030. The master routes an I2C port out to the slave. What…
Part Number: LP5030 The datasheet does NOT provide Package Dimenstion for PCB Footprint Creation.
Please send me the Mechanical Package specifications, and the suggested Footprint layout so I can build my CAD Library Footprint for the design we are doing…
Part Number: LP5036 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Q1: What’s the right direction when USB2ANY module is connected to the LP50xx EVM?
Q2: What is the purpose of color mixing? Is it similar with brightness…
Hi Betty,
You can try to follow this thread and download the new version of LP50xxGUI.
Before you download the new version, you should delete the old one.
(+) [FAQ] LP5036: Can you provide the latest GUI of LP5009, LP5012, LP5018, LP5024, LP5030, LP5036…
Hi Aaron,
we are using 9 RGB LEDs (OSRAM LRTBGVSR).
Unfortunately we can't provide the PCB Layout, but I made a drawing of the joystick application we have.
We performed only one contact discharge with +15kV / 330pF, 2kOhm. I don't think that the LED…
Part Number: LP5036 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5030 Hello,
My questions are in regards to the chip enable (pin 43) of the LP5030/6.
When disabled via pin 43, does the I2C bus still work?
When disabled via pin 43, is the firmware still running…