Part Number: LP5812 Tool/software: Hello,
I am developing an I2C-based driver for the LP5812 LED driver. In the datasheet, under section, it mentions "Execute I2C slave addressing, for details refer to the sample code.". Could you please…
Part Number: LP5812 Tool/software: Can you please explain the meaning of this initialization sequence. It uses undocumented registers 0x350 and 0x351. Linux driver seems to work w/o
The instructions are from your forum post…
Part Number: LP5812 Tool/software: I have found a few forum posts regarding a driver for i2C for LP5812, but the responses all contain a broken shared link. Is it possible for someone to provide a link for the example code to set up an I2C driver?
Part Number: LP5812 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5810
How to set the LP5810 to direct drive mode with manual control or auto control ? Does the direct drive mode refer to the analog dimming mode?
I tried the settings below, but the LED…
Part Number: LP5812 Tool/software: Confused by LP5812 specifications documentation programming example - Document name: snvscc9a.pdf
Section Programming Example
Step 2. Set led_mode = 4h to configure the LED drive mode as direct drive mode. ( …
Part Number: LP5812 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5810 , Tool/software: How to program LP5812, LP5810 in direct drive mode or TCM drive mode with auto or manual control?