Part Number: LP5868T Tool/software: Hi,
I am Looking for an LED Driver for Medical Domain where the LED current is less than 30mA and driving voltage is 5V. and we need to control the LED current.
I need your input on my selection.
I have selected LP5868T…
Part Number: LP5868 Hi,
I would like to have an LP5868T driving several laser diodes in an enclosure that is free of any external power cables.
So I would like a 3.7V Lithium Ion battery embedded with the 5868T and laser diodes to power everything, and…
Part Number: LP5866T Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5868T Tool/software: Hi support team,
The specifications for the LP5866T are missing.
Can I use the specifications for the LP5868T instead?
Regards, Dice-K
The LP5868T will release on next year 2Q-3Q,now we have LP5868,the difference is the output current of LP5868 is 50mA and LP5868T is 100mA.