Part Number: LP5890 Tool/software: I am trying to find a 'simple' software example of working with the LP5890. I want to use the LP5890 to drive 96 separate mono LEDs and just need to be able to set selected LEDs on or off. The only code I can find is…
Part Number: LP5890 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5860 , TLC5955 Tool/software: I searched but could not find anything related to my question.
I have a new project for outdoor industrial/construction LED signage application. I am designing an 8x54…
Part Number: LP5890 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5891 Tool/software: Hi support team,
Looking at SLVSGD5, it says that the LP5890 has an "intelligent power saving mode."
The LP5890 does not have MPSM commands like the LP5891. Does the…
Part Number: LP5890 Tool/software: Hello E2E Experts,
Good day.
I have some questions about the control LP5890. I use the project they mention on the page .
Now I have several questions, I edited it so that…
Part Number: LP5890 Hi Team,
Does the LP5890 support a single LED control for turning on/off?
Or it need to control LEDs by banks?
Is there any document with detailed information about this operation?
Part Number: LP5890 Tool/software: Hi support team, I am looking for a device that meets the following specifications.
■Specifications - 33x22=726 LEDs - No MCU control - 50 LEDs light up at once - Red (2mA), white (2mA) LEDs
Is it optimal to use two LP5890s…
Part Number: LP5890 Hi team,
Customer get 9 RGB, and it connected in common cathode connection. So they need current source structure. Current need to be 80mA.
Do we get any current sourcing solution could could support 80mA output current capacity? They…
Part Number: LP5890 I have an application using the LP5890. I have my code working, using the example register values in the eval kit demo software, but the datasheet has little detail on a lot of the settings.
For example "Low grayscale enhancement"…
Part Number: TLC6983 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC6984 , LP5890 , LP5891
TLC6983, TLC6984 , LP5890, LP5891 :
How is V.knee defined?
In the data sheet, the maximum knee voltage is reported as:
V.knee.max @ = 2.8 [V] @ = 10 [mA] = 0.30 [V] …
Hi Nathan Kando,
Nathan Kando said: Are T.high.min and T.low.min static values for all T.cycle, or are they dynamically dependent on T.cycle (without this being indicated in the datasheet)?
the T.high.min and T.low.min are same for all T.cycle which i…