Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843 Tool/software: Hi,TI team:
LP87524 application is to power AWR1843, the design and Layout follow the design reference guide.
Vin:5V; BUCK0_VSET:3300mV;BUCK0_FPWM:Auto.
The following figure…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PSPICE-FOR-TI Tool/software: Hi there,
I need LP87524J-Q1 spice simulation model for SI-PI analysis. We received encrypted Spice model of the LP87524J-Q1 which I have attached below, however this…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Tool/software: Hi TI team,
1.Could you please provide LP87524JRNFRQ1 Poisson 's ratio?
2.And please provide the following parameters of pins' meterial:
1.Elastic modulus 2.Poisson's ratio 3.Density …
Part Number: LP87524B-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP87524J-Q1 Tool/software: I'm working with the LP87524J-Q1 PMIC and trying to enable BUCK0 by applying 5V directly to the EN1 pin, without using I2C communication. However, I am not observing…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843AOPEVM Tool/software: Hello,
I have a question about the schematics of AWR1843AOPEVM(PROC106B).
1) There is PMIC (U1; LP87524JRNFRQ1) on the EVM board.
The rare resistance value (4.99kOhm…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843AOP Tool/software: Hello TI Team,
We are developing a custom board using LP87524J-Q1 to power an AWR1843AOP radar chip. The datasheet mentions that BUCK0 is 3.3V, BUCK1 is 1.2V, BUCK2 is…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Tool/software:
I am trying to power up LP87524J PMIC, I am observing that nINT pin is showing 0V meaning that there is some fault or Reset has occurred. I am unable to understand why there exists a fault and which one so…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2243 , IWR6843 , AWR1843AOP Tool/software: Dear,
Several millimeter wave radar sensors such as awr1843aop, awr2243, iwr6843, etc. are powered by PMIC and use LC filtering scheme in the backend…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843 Tool/software: Hi
We're seeing same result on our AWR1843 boards as the old post: zero output on all the bucks. nrst is high, nint is also observed high, Vvana is 5V, EN1 is high, but all…
Part Number: LP87524J-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843AOP Tool/software: Hello,
My customer is using LP87524J with IWR6843AOP power supply.
If they want to change the factory settings of LP87524J, do they always have to do additional control…