Part Number: MCT8316A Tool/software: Hi,
We just got the second layout of the board which having 3 MCT8316A IC's on board
The 1st board was for evaluation only, the 2nd round is the 1st operational layout candidate
There is minor circuit change…
Part Number: MCT8316A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8315A Tool/software: Hi,
Short background:
Till the new design which is in the pipeline we used to use DC brush motors or BLDC with hall effect.
In the production line we test the power stage…
Part Number: MCT8316A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8316Z Tool/software: I had planned to use the hardware variant of the MCT8316A BLDC driver in my design to eliminate the need for software configuration. However, this chip doesn't seem to exist…
Part Number: MCT8316A Tool/software: Hi Sir :
Our application scenario is to use MCU and this chip to control the rod motor. Regarding this chip, I have a few questions to ask: 1. Does this driver chip only support automatic control? If we only want…
Part Number: MCT8316A Tool/software: What is the best way to protect the chip from blowing up due to overload?
I was trying to establish the heatsink performance on our prototype board. The setup includes the prototype board connected to a 24 Volts 12…
Part Number: MCT8316A Tool/software: I use a Brushless 25 Click dev board from Mikroe connected to an STM32 Nucleo F103RB board. The 3.3V rail is regulated on the Nucleo board which is supplied by my laptop. The 24V VM rail is supplied with an external…
Part Number: MCT8316A Tool/software: Hi,
We are using the MCT8316A to drive motors on a commercial device that using battery. On whatever battery level (down to about 20V), I must provide the motors a constant (known) speed. Since my device can run on…
Hi Venkatadri,
the JSON settings were posted in the original thread:
Here's a copy…