Part Number: MCT8316A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY , MCT8316A , MCT8316Z-Q1 , MCF8316C-Q1 , MCT8316AEVM Tool/software: Hello:
Regarding the hardware design of MCT8316A-Q1, please help confirm the following technical questions. Thank you!
Part Number: MCT8316A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8316Z-Q1 , MCT8316A , MCT8316Z Tool/software: Hi Team,
May I ask the different between MCT8316A-Q1 and MCT8316Z-Q1? Thanks.
Part Number: MCT8316A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8316Z Tool/software: Dear TI technical support, I have a question regarding Precision labs series: Brushless-DC motors
specifically on Trapezoidal commutation video,
the question can be seen…
Hi Aman,
Please refer to the FAQ link (+) [FAQ] MCF8316C-Q1: General EEPROM Write procedure recommendations - MCx83xx family (MCF8316A, MCF8316C-Q1, MCF8315A, MCF8315C(-Q1), MCF8329A, MCT8316A(-Q1), MCT8315A, MCT8329A) - Motor drivers - INTERNAL forum…
Hello Diane,
Thanks for the update.
I will look at your tuning file and provide suggestions by tomorrow, meanwhile, could you please check if you can import settings from the .json file for MCT8316A from this e2e faq. You could use the .json file from…
Part Number: MCF8316C-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8329A , MCF8315C , MCT8316A
Motor Studio is the primary GUI to evaluate the MCx family of devices (MCF8315C, MCF8316C, MCF8329A, etc). Its a powerful GUI for both basic and advanced…
Hi Andreas,
This is a known Errata on the MCF8316A ( #8 in this E2E FAQ ). Unfortunately, the workaround is to not read/write registers constantly during motor operation. If constant speed adjustment is needed, you'd need to use PWM or analog speed input…
Part Number: MCT8316A
Hi support team.
My customer asked us regarding PWM_MODUL settings.
The setting value 3h for PWM_MODUL is N/A.
However, it is configurable.
The motor is rotating.
Please tell us what this setting means and when to use it.
Part Number: MCT8316Z-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8316Z , DRV10983 , MCT8316A HI TI
1. DRV10983 controls the HALL motor with no noise, while MCT8316Z controls with noise. Comparing the motor phase current waveforms of the two, the motor phase…