Part Number: MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK Tool/software: Q1) How many cycles does CFAR operation take on the HWA?
Comment) The CFAR operation also works in a streaming mode. The number of cycles it would take would be in the order of ACNT * BCNT along with some…
Part Number: AWR2243 Tool/software: Hi TI engineer,
I downloaded the mmwave mcuplus linux sdk in docker using the below command
Part Number: MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2944 The last version of the MCU+ SDK and of the corresponding OOB demo is 4.6. But the last sdk supported by the Demo Visualizer is 4.4.…
Part Number: AWR1642 Tool/software: Hello,
I am using AWR1642 and have some problems about mmWave SDK. M y goal is to make a simple obstacle detection radar system and there are a few demos for AWR1642.
As I understand from the SDK user guide, I can import…
Chris Meng said: I did more tests and found if the problem only happens with debug version of image of SDK5.5.3 motion and presence detection demo, no such issue with release version image.
You can reproduce the problem with MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_05_03_00\examples…
Part Number: AWR1843AOP Tool/software: Comments in the SDK source code state:
* Copyright (C) 2022-24 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the…
Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software: I have built the demo for the latest SDK, 4701. The demo seems only to handle out-of-the-box detections. We would like to implement tracking with the latest SDK for our use case. Would it be possible to run the HECR…
I don't think the module number ties to any file within the mmwave sdk itself; I believe it is more related to the SYSBIOS or the core, which makes it difficult to tie it to a specific file. If you could provide the scenarios that are causing…
Part Number: MMWAVE-L-SDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWRL6844 , IWRL6844 Tool/software: Hi
I have just downloaded the shell script to install the latest MMWAVE L SDK (v under linux and iÍ realized, that the visualizer tool is only available…
Part Number: MMWAVE-L-SDK Tool/software: l am looking for any tool which TI support for labelling of radar data using mmWave SDK using TI AWR6844 radar sensor and DCA1000 EVM. If yes, can you share the workflow/methodology for radar data labelling and…