Part Number: DCA1000EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1642BOOST Tool/software: Dear Texas Instruments Support Team, ,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently using MATLAB to run mmWave Studio. I have previously asked about this issue,…
Part Number: IWRL6432BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL6432 , IWR6843 Tool/software: Hi! I attempt to capture RAW ADC DATA from IWRL6432BOOST + DCA1000 using mmWave Studio In 'Connection' window I get Connected status. However when I try…
Part Number: MMWAVE-STUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843 Tool/software: I am using DCA1000 EVM with AWR1843 for getting raw data.
I see that the postProc button in mmWave Studio plots the plots like "2D FFT amplitude profile", "range angle",…
Part Number: MMWCAS-RF-EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2243 , AWR1243 Tool/software: Please provide the latest current version of mmwave studio with all necessary lua and matlab scripts for MMWCAS-RF-EVM (calibration and testing of the board) …
Part Number: IWR6243 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVE-DFP , , MMWAVE-STUDIO , AWR2243 Hi,
Are there MMWAVE-STUDIO and MMWAVE-DFP compatible with IWR6243?
I tried searching for it based on the IWR6243 product site and e2e information, but I couldn…
Part Number: IWR1642BOOST Tool/software: I have a IWR1642BOOST and a AR1XXXEVM that should allow me to connect to the mmwave studio.
I have read through AWR1443BOOST: SPI disconnection error when run mmWave Studio 2.1.0 on AWR1443BOOST + AR1XXXEVM - Sensors…
? ?? said: The config.lua file I am using was downloaded from a GitHub repository. The parameters within the file are as originally set by the person who uploaded it, and I would like to modify these settings.
We don't support any scripts that are…
Hello Allen,
You may have an ES2 device. In the Radar Toolbox we have LUA scripts for ES2 devices. Could you try modifying the 6432 scripts found at radar_toolbox\tools\scripts\mmWaveStudio_luaExamples, all that needs changing is start frequency for 77GHz…
Part Number: MMWCAS-RF-EVM Tool/software:
I connected the radar board and DSP board to my PC and followed the steps in the user guide to set up the board. However, the "Four Devices" button is not enabled. Why is this button not enabled?