Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1298 , MSP430F437 , MSP430F2471 I have used msp430f437 communicaed with ads1298 via SPI protocal.
Now I want to change msp430f437 to msp430f2471.
The communication between msp430f2471 and ads1298 have a problem.When I…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 Hi, I'm trying to change this example code that transfers data from the PC to a MSP430F2471 through the FT232R chip, using the USCI_A port. My goal is to change the frequency from 1MHz to 16Mhz, maintaining…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 , MSP430F156 I am switching a design from the old MSP430F156 to MSP430F2471.
Can you tell me what changes I need to make in the firmware or supporting hardware to accommodate this?
I am using the A/D and UART…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 I am trying to interface the real time clock DS3234(breakout board from sparkfun) with the MSP430F2471 for a project but cant get the device to work properly. I believe I am making a mistake sending data to…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 Hello
I can download and start myApplication with the debugger of the CCSv3.1 and CCSv4 on the MSP430F2471 without problems.
For the production I bougth a MSP430 GANG PROGRAMMER MSP-GANG430 .
I build a Intel…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 Hi friends,
I am using MSP430f2471 in my project and want to lock its program memory against read.
How can I lock program memory of msp430 via msp430 JTAG?
I am using IAR embedded workbench for programming…
Hello hasan,
the problem i had was due to the programmer i used it was from segger. My issue was solved by using J-Tag programmer from TI.
Can you tell what is your development environment.
Part Number: MSP430F2122 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 , MSP-FET , MSPDS
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi everyone,
Why does the error message, error connecting to the target, exist on CCS but my chip and my project is the same?
Chapter 9 of the User's Guide says:
The SVS is implemented in selected MSP430x2xx devices.
None of them is in the G2xx "value line": MSP430AFE221, MSP430AFE231, MSP430AFE233, MSP430AFE253, MSP430F233, MSP430F235, MSP430F2416, MSP430F2417, MSP430F2418…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2471 , MSP-FET Hi community member,
Please let me confirm the following question.
[Question.1] Regarding the schematics of MSP-FET430UIF, the U2 is described as below. ************* SN74LVC1G125DBV assembled SN74LVC1G07DBV…