Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT We are having some issues with the msp430f2619s-ht writing to the internal flash at high temperature and would appreciate any feedback/suggestion on what the problem might be and how to mitigate it ?
we have been investigating…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Hi, My customer reported strange behavior on their custom board. When below simple program runs, pulses are generated on P6.4. #include <msp430.h>
int main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;// Stop watchdog timer
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Hi, I would like to know what is the power consumption for running this IC at 32.768 kHz with 3.3V? Datasheet stated that this device will consume: Active Mode: 365 μA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V.
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Hi Team,
The absolute maximum operating voltage of MSP430F2619SPM is 4.1V as stated in the datasheet and the recommended operating condition is 3.6V (max). Our customer would like to know if there are any concerns or significant…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430WARE Hi,
I read application note SLAA336A with great interest. Calibrating the DCO at startup would be helpful in our application, since the DCO can vary quite a bit with temperature…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Hi Team,
My Customer is attempting to communicate with the MSP430F2619SPM device during testing at cold temperatures (around -40C), and are occasionally seeing a loss of the capability to communicate with this component during…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPDS , REP430F , MSP-FET , MSP430F5528 , MSP-EXP430FR5739 , ENERGYTRACE , UNIFLASH
Has anyone been able to build the eZ-FET firmware from the source files provided here:…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET , hello;
can i use MSP-FET to program the MSP430F2619S-HT 64-pin, and not using the legacy one MSP-FET430UIF.
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Hello,
I see that there is a customizable hardware project (eZ-FET Emulation IP) for MSP430 devices that support Spy-By-Wire. I believe this particular part number only supports 4-wire…
Part Number: MSP430F2619S-HT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Hi,
Can I use and to flash/program MSP430F2619S-HT? If not what options do I have?