Part Number: ONET8531T Hi,
I saw the ONET8531TY in the TI store and it was "active". However, I can't seem to purchase the device from the TI store. Can you tell me about the status of ONET8531TY?
Part Number: ONET8551T Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ONET8521T , ONET8501T , ONET8541T , ONET8531T Hello,
I was performing a review on your ONET- series of transimpedance amplifiers for a new product we are working on. These include:
Part Number: ONET8531T Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ONET8551T Hi, I am searching for a TIA which can support 12G SDI signal and Pathological pattern, can you suggest which type of TIA can support ?
1. For 2.5 mAp-p Input Overload Current Could you please provide the data for Mean Input Current at Overload. (base on total jitter or Bert)
2. Is there reference data for RSSI Linearity Range
3. for ONET8531TY what's the container for it , blue tape…
Part Number: LMK00304 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS100 , ONET8531T I need to take an RF input and convert it to a 1000base-cx LVDS output in as small of a form factor as possible. Bare die preferred, small SMT package OK.
This bonding may help but there is still a high chance for oscillation. If for some reason they want to use the ONET8501T then they should consider the ONET8531T instead. The ONET8531T is the exact same part as the ONET8501T except the transimpedace…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ONET8531T Hi,
I would like to know if there is any evaluation board/kit for ONET8531T or ONET8511T Transimpedance Amplifier?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ONET8521T , ONET8551T I have an application requiring 2.5 GHz operation of an avalanche photodiode. The APD has a capacitance of about 1 pF and operates at a bias voltage of 50V. I would like to use the ONET85xx series for…