Part Number: OPA1612 Tool/software: Hi team,
I would like to know the temperature characteristics of OPA1612AIDRGR as they are not in the datasheet. I especially want to know theta(jc).
Best Regards, Ryu.
Part Number: OPA1612 Tool/software: We have an OPA1612AIDRGR Op-Amp that has failed in a circuit, drawing too much current.
I tried to remove another IC from a working circuit using hot air ~400°C to replace the failed one.
Both are drawing around…
Part Number: OPA1612 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM431 , JFE2140 , JFE150 Tool/software: Whatever done, the currently available LDO's are immensely noisy and not applicable to Audio designs. I design own LDO's by the formula : voltage reference ( such…
Part Number: OPA1612 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1656 I'm up to, to design a 3rd or 4th order 20 Hz high pass filter with ultra low distortion. Does anybody know design advantages of choosing a certain topology? Sallen-Key, variable state, etc…
Part Number: OPA1612 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1794A Hello Mr or Mrs.
Happy new year~!I am always grateful for your help. :)
I am designing a circuit which is related DAC output and it confuses me.
This is a PCM1794a reference TINA simulation…
hi Chris
thanks very much for your detail test.
but i can't undrstand you said "This 6dB difference comes from the fact that for non-inverting we divide the result by 101 or 40dB and inverting by 51 or 36dB. ". why non-inverting result divided…
Part Number: OPA1612 Hi,
i'm using opa1612 to design a single end to differential circuit. schematic as follows.
all resistor used in schematic are thin film and caps are NPO. 1665.Desktop.rar
VF3,VF4 have very good thd about -125dbc(1khz, 6vpp sin…
Part Number: OPA1612 I made a simple measure-amplifier with 20dB gain,
Straight feedback is with 200 Ohms parallel to -input, and 1800 n series, supply: 2x15V
Harmonic Distortion (pure D3: 3kHz from 1kHz) is much higher than specs: -100dBc (200uV) at…