Part Number: OPA1656 Tool/software: How much current would you expect the OPA1656 to consume, at idle, with +/-15V supplies?
My customer is testing the outputs are driving loads over 1k ohm, but the parts seem to be getting a little warm. Just want…
Part Number: OPA1656 Tool/software: Hi,
Customer would like to know the pin's configuration for part OPA1656ID especially the pin 1 identification.(see picture)
Please help to advise. Thanks Regards
Part Number: OPA1656 Tool/software: Hi TI-Forum,
We have a pop noise at the audio output when the supply voltage of the OPA is applied. Is there an alternative circuit that can prevent the pop noise?
Our circuit design can be found in the attachment…
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1602 Hello , I am looking for a Single 12v Op Amp for an audio product,. Please let me know my options.
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: JFE2140 , , OPA202 , INA849 , JFE150EVM , JFE2140EVM , JFE150 , OPA145 Hi,
I want to know the proper configuration to connect a low-frequency antenna (L = 12mH @ Rdc = 7.5Ω @ Cp = ~ 60pF) to an opa1656…
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3886
Hello, i want to ask a question about the OPA1656.
I connected the component as shown in the figure (both channels), supplying them with ±15V.
The component must replicate the input signal…
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM5242 Hello TI-Team,
We have a problem with the noise at the output of our DSP board. We want to ensure that the noise is not coming from our output circuitry by evaluating the performance of used…
Part Number: OPA1612 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1656 I'm up to, to design a 3rd or 4th order 20 Hz high pass filter with ultra low distortion. Does anybody know design advantages of choosing a certain topology? Sallen-Key, variable state, etc…
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA192 , , OPA551 , OPA547 , OPA593 Dear members:
For a measuring circuit I need an operational with output current of 100mA and differencial supply voltage of 15V. I want to make a Howland current pump…
Part Number: OPA1656 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1642 Hi Experts,
One of our customers recently bought several OPA1656 directly from us. He replaced five OPA1642s with them in an audio active crossover, convinced that they would be equivalent…