Part Number: OPT4003-Q1 Tool/software: Hi,
We are working on a device that has a profile of 4 mm and we are looking at the OPT4003 sensor for light sensing. Our problem is that we need to sense the light from the 4mm side profile so we need a light…
Part Number: OPT4003-Q1 Tool/software: Hi,
May I know how to request for the samples with "3Q" device marking?
I had requested sample via the sample room but the customer feedback that there is no 3Q marking on the device.
Part Number: OPT4003-Q1 Hello,
One customer would like to confirm if we have the calculation of the NIR power about CH1 channel like the CH0 channel calculation method on datasheet 6.4.5 section.
Best regards
Part Number: OPT4003-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT4001 Hello,
I am looking for an optical sensor which can be used behind two-way mirror glass with a thickness of 8.6 mm?
we want to use it to switch lights on and off for an inbuilt cabinet. …
Part Number: OPT4003-Q1 Hi,
I want to use the OPT4003 light sensor in our embedded linux device.
I bought the EVM USB stick, tried it on Windows and now use the OPT4003 chip alone in our hardware device.
I wrote a driver in Python, but here I have 2 problems…
Part Number: OPT4060 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT4048 , OPT4003-Q1 Tool/software: For an application involving color sensing of tiny particles moving fast in front of the sensor I see the OPT4060 has a conversion time from 600 μs, but the "Light…