Part Number: PCM2912A Hello team,
I want to estimate the Max output voltage swing of this device. From the datasheet, the output voltage is specified as below.
If I am using VCCA=3.3V, and RL>10kohm, would the max output voltage swing be 0.66V to 2…
Part Number: PCM2912A I am seeing the similar issue like below that 20% of the chips output 0.6Vpp not 1.98Vpp to the >10kOhm impedance. "DAC specifies a 0.6 * Vcca (1.98Vpp) output with Rl > 10k load. However i am only getting 0.554Vpp measured at…
Part Number: PCM2912A Due to shock requirements we cannot use a crystal.
Can the VDD output be used to power a 4.5mA MEMS oscillator?
If the MIC (VIN) is unused should the pin be left floating or tied to some level?
Part Number: PCM2912A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM2912 PCM2912_Audio.pdf
After running for a period of time, 3 out of 10 devices experienced an output of 0. Check that the power supply and input are normal. Attached is the schematic diagram. Could…
Part Number: PCM2912A Hello Technical Expert,
We are facing a pop noise Issue in our system board when we do the following steps:
1. On power up/down of a system
2. Switching from one input to another
3. On USB cable unplugged
Schematic design of codec…
Part Number: PCM2912A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM2912 , Hello,
I'm considering on using the PCM2912 for one of our projects, but I worry about the lifecycle of the IC. I noticed someone else had similar concerns over 3 years ago and was wondering…
Part Number: PCM2912A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM2912 , I have a trouble. When VBus and GND connect to power supply, XTIO will generate sin wave with 6 Mhz. But when PCM2912 connects against PC, XTIO out cannot keep generating the sin wave. But…
Part Number: PCM2912A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC3120 , , TLV320AIC3254 , PCM3168A We are evaluating if the below configuration will work out, analog audio from the sources are mapped to PCM29xx, from there its connected to a USB HUB and the…