Part Number: PGA970 Good morning,
I have a question related to PGA970 device.
We are investigating about the demodulation error for each single channel (not the ratiometric drift). We are interested about the error between the analog and its demodulated…
Part Number: PGA970 Hello, please tell me about the SPI response of PGA970 EVM. I am trying to read the DIGI_IF_CTRL register (DI PAGE2/OFFSET6) in a test to perform SPI communication with the PGA970. I sent 6 bytes of 40:C0:00:00:00:00, and the data I…
Part Number: PGA970 I'm trying to set SPI communication mode using GUI. In the datasheet, it is mentioned "GPIO_OWI_TX is set LOW". But I could not find this Register in GUI Register Map table.
Part Number: PGA970 Dear Ti Engineer,
I have got a PGA970evm with me and trying to connect a half-bridge sensor to it, I am using a circuit diagram suggested by Ti engineer. According to the data sheet S1N, S1P, S2N, and S2P pins can only tolerate voltages…
Part Number: PGA970 Thank you. A 0x05 response is now returned in SPI communication.
PGA970SoftwareUserGuide Page19 Algorithm I don't understand why all data is shifted 14 bits to the right. Limitation on number of significant digits of divider? I am…
Part Number: PGA970 Hi,
we have a question concering the maximum SPI clock speed of the PGA970:
On the one hand there is the information (see 6.17 Electrical Characteristics - SPI) which shows a maximum clock speed of 1MHz
and on the other hand you find…
Hi Philip,
My bad, I should have told you to change the extension from .hex to .txt and then it should have uploaded. My generated file and your generated file are much different. Can you send me the file found in the debug folder? You may…
Part Number: PGA970 Dear TI,
Can you please provide the LSB value for the DEMOD1_DATA and DEMOD2_DATA?
Based on the data sheet, there seems to be error in the 24bit-Noise-Free Decimator Output whereby for 1.25V, the Hex value is 0x28BE60 which in decimal…
Part Number: PGA970 Good morning,
I have a request related to the demodulator BPF coefficients of PGA970.
In the datasheet are reported the filter coefficents multiple of 1000Hz.
For my specific application are required the following frequency : 2600…