Part Number: PMP20634 I want to power Arduino using PMP20634, working on PCB using CircuitMaker, Unable to find Transformer -750316686 mentioned in design, is there any alternative for 750316686 for PMP20634?
Also wondering if there any simplest power supply…
Part Number: UCC28730 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP20634
I am currently Working on a Flyback Converter Design based around the Ti UCC28730 IC.
My first Design is very similar to the Ti PMP20634 Reference Design, it is working how it should…
Hi Keith,
Thanks for your interest in UCC28730. UCC24650 is not explicitly necessary for a UCC28730 based design. PMP20634 is one such example of a UCC28730 design which does not incorporate UCC24650:
Best Regards,
Ben Lough …
I think design PMP20634 in the TI-Designs catalog will work as long as I can find the parts... thats plenty of power to drive my rails and the TIDA-00534 chip but i guess heat is an issue. Here is a pic of the AC/DC or 120VAC to 12VDC-1Amp 12Watt supply…
Dear Ahmed,
Thanks for promoting our products to the customer!
Base on your customer's circuit most of the time stay in the standby mode, I won't suggest you use SR in your design.
For a high step down flyback circuit, is difficult to have high…