Hi Joshua,
In that case, I would recommend using a BQ25155 + TPS62808 which can support 3.3V with a small solution size.
This would be similar to the PMP21884 https://www.ti.com/tool/PMP21884
Part Number: BQ25150 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP21884 , BQ25155 Hi,
As I understand PMID is the regulated output from BQ25150, and where VIN and Batt paths merge to feeds systems load. Referring to ref design (PMP21884) below - as I circled in…
Hi Vivek,
BQ25155 is a good choice and I would recommend a design similar to this which has all the resources you will need. www.ti.com/.../PMP21884
Could you let me know the reason for selecting BQ51025? The BQ51025 is not recommended for new designs…
The PMID voltage will be VBAT on battery only mode and VIN when adapter is present. So I would definitely recommend a converter in between given your max voltage you can handle is only 3.8V.
Seems like the BQ25121A might be a good fit for you…