Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: I was exploring the control loop of CLLLC, and I have a few queries. Please help me with clarification.
1. On the secondary side of CLLLC, there is one block named Simple SR-Driver connected between the drain and source…
Part Number: PMP22650 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP Tool/software: while the PCB manufacturing PMP 22650
please confirm the design information in the PCB gerber
please check the design information correct or not as shown in the image below .
Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: I am using the PMP22650 SIMPLIS Simulation file as a reference design for my 3.3 kW OBC design. But I found losses in the high frequency leg of the totem pole PFC are high due to this efficiency being LOW from the…
Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: (further question of this E2E post RE: PMP22650: Can you provide T2 T3 L16, L17 spec ? )
Customer is asking below information, is there any information that we can provide. thanks!
Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Greetings !
I need the final datasheet of CLLLC Transformer which have been used in 6.6KW OBC design.
Best Regards,
Ankit Singh
I believe the RMS current is closer to about 12.4 A total. I cannot locate my analysis files, however, you also need to include the impact of the local ceramic capacitors as well.
Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: Hi experts
PMP22650 gerber file has missing some lnner layers for making PCB below.
pleas share the latest gerber file for PMP22650
please help
Kevin Lee
Part Number: PMP22650 Tool/software: Hi
PMP22650 gerber file is missing some lnner layer for making PCB
PMP22650 - E3 (3-26-2024 7-00-15 AM).zip
pleas share the latest gerber file for PMP22650
Kevin Lee