Part Number: TPS40210 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP9446 , LM5022 , LM5155
I'm looking into designing flyback circuit (isolated transformer) for PSE POE+ with following parameters:
1. Input voltage - Nominal 12V
2. Output voltage…
Part Number: LM5022 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP9446 , PMP
Dear Team,
My customer want to use this reference design for Vin=12V, Vo=54V, Io=0.5A
I found some question on it:
1. The transformer turn ratio is 6:24, so the maximum Vo should be 48V…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PMP9446 Dear Team,
My customer is looking for Vin=12V and Vo=54V, Io=0.5A isolated circuit.
So I suggest PMP9446:
But the customer thinks the current transformer's cost is too high.
Can they get rid of this transformer…
Hi Harry,
The output of PMP9446 reference design is 54V/0.75A .
Since the Coilcraft Flyback Transformer NA6264-AL is 48W (48V/1A) can the output of PMP9446 reference design be increased to 54V/0.88A ?