Part Number: PTD08D210W Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PTD08A020W , UCD9248 , UCD7242 We have an FPGA board design, whose power rail circuitry is heavily based on the Xilinx VC709 architecture, as such we have UCD9248 power controllers and PTD08D210W…
Part Number: PTD08D210W Dear TI Team
Our customers are considering the PTD08D210W. I have been requested by them to know what kind of inspection they are doing before shipping.
I think that the electrical characteristics are inspected before shipping…
Part Number: PTD08D210W Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD9248 , Dear TI team
Our customers are using UCD9248 and PTD08D210W as a set. I have a question about the input pin of the PWM signal of PTD08D210W (the module on which UCD7240 is installed).
Part Number: PTD08D210W Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD7242
Hi Team,
One of our customer is working on a thermal design for a circuit card that uses the PTD08D210WAC buck converter. The customer is trying to find max junction temperature and the thermal…
HI Revanth,
I will be closing this thread for now since it has been sitting idle for some time. When you get more information on your tests please make a new thread and refer back to this thread for reference.
Thank you for using the E2E forum.
Part Number: UCD9248 Hai,
Iam using a board which is similar Zc702 Eval board , In which power supplies are controlled by the UCD9248 and PTD08D210 combination, (Schematics :…
Part Number: PTD08D210W Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD9248 , I am working with a board that uses two UCD9248's to control four PTD08D210W's. I did not design the board and there are a lot of things I don't know about the parts, but there are 2 big…
Part Number: PTD08D210W Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD9248 , UCD9220 Hi,
I am using PTD08D210W (dual regulator/module) with power controller UCD9248 . Both channels of this module are controlled by 2 rails of UCD9248. However, during monitoring on…
Hi Tom,
Thank you very much for your answer.
One more question..
according to the datasheet of PTD08D210W at page 5
„Synchronous Rectifier Enable A. This pin is a high impedance digital input. A 3.3 V or 5 V logic level signals is used
to enable…
Part Number: PTD08D210W Can any one provide efficiency formulas for use with the PTD08D210W? I need to calculate efficiency when output currents are ~ 50 and 500mA with a Vin of 12V.