Part Number: REF3120 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335 , REF3320 Hi, My customer is using REF3120 as the voltage reference of TMS320F28335. The final product is a solar inverter.
They observed around 1.99V instead of 2.048V for about 7-8 times…
Part Number: LMP91200 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3120 , REF3220
I have a weird problem where both the VOCM and VOUT signal seems completely random, single-ended and differential.
The differential can range from -0,55 - 0,2 when I'm measuring…
Part Number: LMP91000 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP7721 , LM4040 , HDC2010 , HDC2080 , REF3120 Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler Hello Community,
I configured my hardware using LMP91000 and LMP7721 as shown in thread,
Also, I used equation to find…
Where are you setting the ADCREFSEL register to use the external reference - is it done in AdcInit()?
Also, the schematic doesn't show a ground connection to the REF3120. Is there one?
These exist to provide different external ref options. 2.048V is TI std external reference voltage(REF3120), 1.5V is available for those customer's who are performing bi-polar conversion to 0-3V range(will have 1.5V), and 1.024V was another standard reference…