Part Number: SG2524
The part SG1524J from Microsemi is obsolete. I found SG2524 from TI as an alternate for this IC.
I am attaching the datasheet for the obsolete IC for your reference.
Difference 1: oscillator frequency formula which was 1/RC in earlier…
Part Number: SG2524 Hello! Tell me, please, what range of input common-mode voltage of the error amplifier (IN- / IN +) is possible for the SG2524, relative to the GND and Vcc pins, while the error amplifier still works normally. Thanks!
Part Number: SG2524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC28951 provide circuit diagram SMPS used SG2524 for 2K Watt power using external Mosfet or IGBT , input 200V to 400V DC out put +24V/40A and -24V/40A dual power required
Part Number: SG2524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC2524 Hello,
I have a problem regarding the current limitation schematic found on the SG2524 datasheet, i don't understand the expression of Io(max), we can have this expression only if we have the…
Part Number: SG2524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UC2825 Hi Everybody,
I am looking for a sg2524 or lm3524 or similar with the AEC Q100 standart.
Is this pwm has a qualified reference?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards
Part Number: SG2524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SG3524 I am looking for the PSpice model of the SG2524/SG3524.
Can you please provide?
Part Number: SG2524 When controlling negative output voltage, there seems to be conflicting messages regarding the error amplifier inverting and non-inverting inputs. Figure 11 shows the output voltage feedback signal fed to the inverting pin where as…
Part Number: SG2524 Hello I am looking to Simulate SG2524 in Orcad Capture. When speaking with tech support from Orcad they recommended to look at TI website and download Pspice model. I was not able to find a Pspice model on your website. Is there any…
Part Number: SG2524 Hello,
I'm working on a simple 100W (30V input and 50V output) buck converter where i have used sg2524 regulator, i have some questions related to the converter high side MOSFET,..
Do i need to add a driving circuit or the PWM regulator…