Part Number: SM72445 It appears TI has a misprint on page 14 of the spec sheet regarding the address selection input lines... The I2C2 and I2C0 labels in the address selection table need to be reversed (ie pulling up I2C2 and leaving I2C1 and I2C0 tied…
Part Number: SM72445 While reading the datasheet to test the applicability of the sm72445 chip, the following questions arise and asks. please answer about my question. Thank you.
1. Does the sm72445's PM operation operate in a normal conditions (operating…
Part Number: SM72442 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SM72445 , Hello. Please inquire about the AIIN pin of SM72442 and SM72445. On the datasheet, AIIN pin is an input current sensing pin as shown in the screenshot below. By the way, 3V is currently output…
Part Number: SM72445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DXP Hello,
I bought the board which didn't mark the designator of material on the panel.
I found some datasheet about designator. However it was unclear and inconvenient grossly.
Sorry to bother…
Part Number: SM72445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5117 , LM5145 , Hi, I'm David.
I was testing the AN-2241 Evaluation Board. I followed the testing steps which were in the datasheet. There were 6 steps I found.
First is Connect S.A.S. to input.
Part Number: SM72445 Good day
I note in the Datasheet reference is made to the ADC Config Worksheet when using the I2C to program the A0-A6 instead of using the external resistors. However, I cannot find the worksheet so cannot work out what values I…
Part Number: SM72445 Hello,
Few questions about SM72445
I have a project in which i need to use a MPPT Integrated Circuit for a solar panel (2.4V/8A(for 1000W/m2 of solar radiation)) and to load a battery 3.6V, the datasheet says that the input voltage…
Part Number: SM72445 Hi community, I'm starting to work on a project concerning a power optimizer for solar modules. I checked on the SM72445 and have a few basic questions before I start to work on the design. Firstly, the SM72445 is controlling a…
Part Number: SM72445 Hi TI-Team, I'm working on a design with SM72445 and I found your document AN-2124 Power Circuit design for the buck boost topology. I checked the calculations and I think I found a mistake. The input capacitance of the boost part…
Part Number: SM72445 Hi
I have a question about the MPPT operation of SM72445.
A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm monitors the input current and voltage and controls the PWM duty cycle to maximize energy harvested from the photovoltaic module…