Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2642R , ENERGYTRACE Hello,
I am using SMARTRF06EBK to flash firmware via cJTAG onto our device that operates on CC2642 MCU. I am designing a custom device for a more convenient flashing procedure…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Ran into "Failed to load the CPU core driver" message when starting the IAR 8.32.2 debugger using the SmartF06 emulator (TI XDS).
I have re-installed the ti_emupack_setup_9.2.0.00002_win_64.exe also and didn't help…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650 Hi Team,
Can you please check and advise with following request?
I have a SmartRF06EB and CC2650. I could not find how to read the acceleration values from the BMA250E accelerometer…
Part Number: CC2538 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SMARTRF06EBK , , , CC2640 , UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hi team,
My account need your help to fix this issue.
Situation: The SmartRF06EBK is connected to a prototype equipped with a CC2538. They are trying…
Part Number: CC2640 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SMARTRF06EBK ,
Dear Experts,
I am using the following BTool (v1.40.5).
Does this BTool (v1.40.5) work well on Windows 10 (64bit)?
If Windows 10 (64bit version) is released, could you please provide it…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Problems with TI-RTOS.
When I create a project using TI-RTOS and configure the .cfg file with XGCONF so that when the timer is interrupted, the Swi switching LED starts up, the program only…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640R2F Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler I'm working with both boards and need to use the I2C interface, for the LAUNCHXL there's enough information for the pin map (concise and precise): DIO4…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650 Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
I purchased the smartrf06ebk (CC2650) board. The board is ported with firmware for Ble and 802.15.4 per test. I want to get the source code for per…
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK We wish to connect an analog input device, e.g., a microphone, to the EB06 and should like to know if anyone has had any experience or could refer to a reference?
Ron Barker
Part Number: SMARTRF06EBK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2652R , Z-STACK , CC2538 , CC2538EMK , CC2530 , CC2530EM Hi, Im trying to configure the Zigbee Green power device with SmartRF06EB board. the DUT is a switch (contain 4 switch). I want to make SmartRF06EB…