Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Tool/software: Hello,
I have sucessfully installed wine on my ubuntu machine. On this I have also installed the SmartRF Studio 7.
When I run the setup from the installation kit, it activates properly once I click the "finish…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Tool/software: Hi team, I'd like to set up the open channels. So I using RF_Get RSSI. Is that a correct? And do you have any application manuals for it? BR, Kengo.
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1354R10 , CC2674R10 Hi,
I am trying to understand how to use the smart rf studio to run ETSI tests. Ideally I should be able to set my registers in smartrf studio, export the values to the…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO If I load a .xml file for Packet RX (Normal mode), and Start RX (no packets have to be received), then load a .xml file for Sniff Mode (but don't Stop the Packet RX), both the Start and Stop buttons are active in the Sniff…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO I have a TX that sends 25 packets of: 10 80 01 00 12 08 01 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
For a TrxEB board in Packet RX (Normal mode), as expected, I get packets displayed as this.
10:56:47.560 | 10 | 80 01 00 01 08 01 09…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LPSTK-CC1352R , CC1352R , LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 , UNIFLASH , CC1352P HI
I connected a LPSTK-CC1352R and a LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-4 to the computer via USB.and I Start SmartRF Studio7.The launch window message…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1120 Using a CC1120, when I save a particular hex pattern of packet data (under Advanced) and check the hex box, the data is incorrectly imported back as text data, but the hex box is correctly…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Hi team,
Do we have any rationale behind the presets that are in the SmartRF Typical Settings?
Do we have a guide pointing these typical settings to different radio compliance regulations around the world? (EX: FCC compliance…
Part Number: SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-CC1310 Hi,
I bought a launchXL-CC1310 and I am testing the RF with Smart RF Studio.
I would like to know how the Bit Error Rate is calculated in SmartRF Studio?
Is it possible to import…