Part Number: SN54LVTH162244 What is the max operating frequency of SN54LVTH162244?
How max operating frequency is related to given data rate of 320Mbps?
How to calculate max operating frequency from given propagation delay (in datasheet) and rise time? …
Part Number: SN54LVTH162244-SP For thermal analysis of SN54LVTH162244-sp (cfp-48 package), we need following information:.
· Weight
· Component core material
· Component package material
· Metal lid material
· Metal lid c…
Part Number: SN54LVTH162244-SP Does this part or any of your space rated 16 bit, 3.3V logic buffers meet any radiation hardness levels? If so could I be pointed to the Radiation Report.
Many Thanks,
Will S.
Part Number: SN54LVTH162244-SP The datasheet specs a logic high input voltage of 2 V minimum. I am considering powering this buffer from 3.3V, but driving the inputs with 2.5V logic levels. If the logic high threshold voltage is 2V, then this would give…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN54LVTH162244 I'm trying to estimate the Vih for SN54LVTH162244 after it has been powered off for a long time and then powered up again at -35 C ambient.
The data sheet says Vih min is 2V, but I'm assuming that's…
Part Number: ADC128S102QML-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2941QML , SN55LVDS31-SP , SN54LVTH162244-SP , , ADC128S102 For thermal analysis of TPS7H1101 ( 5962R1320201VXC), LM2941QML (5962-9166703QYA), LM98640 ( 5962R1721801VXC), ADC128S102QML-SP (5962R0722701VZA…
Ankita, We do not have IBIS models for these two devices. However, we do have IBIS models for both in the A versions with WD parasitics. For SN54LVTH16244A : For the SN54LVTH16245A : Note, both of these are in…