Part Number: SN55115 TI datasheet for part SN55115 also lists JM38510/10404BEA as an available part under this datasheet. When dealing with part schematics, we found that the diagram in the TI datasheet looks different from the one in the mil spec MIL-M…
Part Number: SN55115 Hello, I am working on creating a simulated model for SN55115. Currently there is not a P-Spice model for SN55115 and I am trying to recreate it based off of the schematic, but I've never seen this symbol on the schematic. I am assuming…
Part Number: SN55115 I’m hoping that you can clarify a question that came up with the SNJ55115FK differential receivers. Is it okay for the positive input B and negative input A to have a peak differential voltage of 5Vpk between them?
thanks -…
Part Number: SN55115 My customer is using the SNJ55115FK. The dimensions for the FK 20 package are not in the datasheet. Also, the image in the datasheet shows that the pad for pin 1 is larger than the pad for other pins. The "Generic Package View" document…
Part Number: SN55115 Hi Experts,
Our customer is looking for some PSpice models for SN55115 IC chips. Please share if available. Thank you.
Best regards,
Part Number: SN55115 Hello, I have a question. We used SN55115J, but recently, it has been changed to impossible to purchase on the web. So I purchased SNJ55115J, but I know the difference between the two parts is class difference. Please explain the class…
Part Number: SN55115 Hi Team,
The differences between the 3 parts are shown on following link.…
Part Number: SN55115 Hi,team
My customer wants to order SN55115,but he does't know the difference between SN55115J,SNJ55115J,JM38510/10404BEA and M38510/10404BEA.
Please advise.Thank you
Part Number: SN55115 Hello all,
Can you please help me by answering the following question about the schematic on page 3 ( Common to Both Receivers) of the SN55115 datasheet?
1) What does the upside down triangle with the V inside mean?