Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC157A , SN74LVC1G3157 , SN74LVC541A , SN74HCS365 , TMUX1248 Hi, I have two GPS NMEA standard based. The system that receive GPS data required only one GPS data. The other GPS is for spare purposes. I need to design a simple…
The length of a 200 kHz cycle is 5 µs. 1% of that is 50 ns.
The transition time of the SN3257-Q1 is up to 350 ns; the turn-on/turn-off time of the TS5A3159-Q1 is up to 55 ns.
The TS5A23157-Q1 or SN74LVC1G3157-Q1 would be fast enough. But for selecting…