Hi Salim,
Sorry it looks like the link I included in my last post is broken, ignore that.
To my understanding, you are trying to convert the LVDS output from your processor to DVI input for your screen, and the color depth is RGB666 for 18-bits RGB…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN75LVDS86A , SN75LVDS84A Hi Team, My customer considers to use SN75LVDS84A(transmitter) and SN75LVDS86A(receiver). Is there any evaluation board to connect these? Best Regards, Yaita / Japan disty
Like John said, you can simply use a subset of the available I/Os for 18-bit color.
On the non-NSC side, we have EVMs for the SN75LVDS86A & SN75LVDS96, which are directly 18-bit.
Best regards, RE
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN75LVDS82 , SN75LVDS83B , SN65LVDS301 , SN75LVDS86A , SN75LVDS83C , DS90CR288A , FLINK3V8BT-85
We are looking for serializer [Transmitter] and deserilizer [Receive] for Camera CamLink interface as shown in block dia.…