Part Number: SRC4193 Tool/software: Hello everyone. In my setup, the SRC4193 gets a 44.1kHz I2S input with 16 bits on a 32-bit word as a slave. The output is 96kHz and 24 bits on a 32 bit word, also as a slave. The problem I have is that with an input…
Part Number: SRC4193 Hi,
Could you please let me know if there are any disadvantages when LGRP is set to "1" (low group delay)? For example, SNR, distortion, sound quality, etc.
Best regards, Kato
Part Number: SRC4193 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SRC4192 , Hi,
Could you please let me know any differences and any time constraints required between the the hard mute by using pin 14 and the soft mute via SPI port? Additionally, is the hard mute function…
Part Number: SRC4193 Hi Team,
Could you help to confirm if SRC4193 support I2C control? We notice I2C is mentioned in 8.2.1 section, but we don't know which pin are assigned to I2C, also don't know the I2C slave address. Please help to confirm, thanks…
Part Number: SRC4193 Hello,
we have xmos based usb audio interface board with flip flop recloking then we send i2s signal to sample rate converter for upscale sample rate.
So the recloking before SRC is useless or it has a positive effect to get more…
Hello Syed
The SRC4192 device is hardware controled , so deponding on signal on LGRP pin, you can control the group dealy to be normal delay (102,5/fs) with LGRP=1 or low dealy (70.5/fs) with LGRP=1.
whith SRC4193 you control the delay according to registers…
Part Number: SRC4193 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SRC4192 , Does SRC419x support I2S 16bit input data format? I saw the same question but the answer repeated its pdf that has not clear description for I2S mode. So I need just the simple answer yes or…
Part Number: SRC4193 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SRC4192 , Will the SRC4193 or SRC4192 work with a 16 bit I2S input? The documentation is a little confusing. It talks generally about working with 24 bit I2S and 24 bit left justified input, but doesn…
Part Number: SRC4193 Hello,
When doing volume control with the SRC4193 how many bits does it use internally for volume control 32, 64? This is not mentioned in the datasheet.