Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5352A , TAS5624A Hi,
The pins of PWM_A, PWM_B, PWM_C and PWM_D are not specified the input capacitance on the data sheet of TAS5352A. Then, could you please tell me about these input capacitance?
Best Regards, Kato
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5352A Hi,
There is mentioned regarding the internal pull-down resistors of the amplifier's output on page 7 of TAS5352A data sheet as below. Could you please tell us the value(min/typ/max) of those resistors?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5548 , TAS5630B , TAS5352A , TAS5352 Dear Sirs,
I'm preparing application based on TAS5548 + TAS5352A. The system should be run in 2.1 mode (stereo + subwoofer). Is it possible to configure TAS5352A in such way, that we…
Part Number: TAS5624A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5352A , I am wondering why TI is now more and more switching to a constant gain design.
Some comparisons:
With my TAS5352A design i get a Signal to Noise Ratio of 105dB with a 24V powersupply and…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5132 , TAS5352A , TAS5342LA Hi
We want to design PBTL application in TAS5132, but we can't find PBTL application design in TAS5132 datasheet.
Can you show us recommendation of PBTL design for TAS5132?
Hello Mike-san、
Thank you for your reply.
Our customer wants to use the Ternary Mode in order to reduce the audible band noise.
Off course,we have recommended the AD mode.
They were using the old days Ternary Mode, but there is no experience with the…
Can you also help me understand the calculations to change the LC output filter to 130 kHz cutoff frequency for the TAS5352A output stage running BTL mode with 4 ohm load. I have read the TAS5352A datasheet and SLOA119A app note and am not fully…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5624A , TAS5352A , TAS5261 , TAS5538 Hi,
Could you please send us the graph since we could not find "the gain variation vs the power supply voltage" which should be mentioned in the data sheet of TAS5624A? However…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5352 , TAS5352A TI Team,
For the life of me, I can't figure out what the difference is between the TAS5352 and TAS5352A. I've compared most of the major items from the datasheets and they appear to be the same.…