Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6424E Tool/software: Hi expert,
Does TAS6424E - Q1 have a non - automotive version, such as industrial or consumer - grade?
Or can you recommend an industrial sockets - grade power amplifier…
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6424E Tool/software: Hi team,
The AC Diagnostic function of the TAS6424E can measure the impedance of the playback signal bandwidth. Are there any actual measurement results available to demonstrate…
Part Number: TAS6424-Q1 Tool/software: We are in the process of PPAP Level 3 through the TI website.
I received an email saying that I need to proceed with MIC NDA.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Tool/software: Dear TI:
(1)As title, We want use datasheet setting to know spread spectrum who has meet function or not but IC use picture setting will be shutdowm and error flag high
Condition use:Lrck 48Khz Mclk 256Fs normal…
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Tool/software: Dears,
My customer want to use TAS6424E-Q1 for new project. They have 3 questions.
1.What is the difference between 6424 and 6424E?
2.Does the 75W here mean that all 4 channels can reach 75W@25V?
3.Also, can this…
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Tool/software: Hi team,
Can customer change digital gain when in play mode?
Customer heard pop noise when they changed digital gain.
Part Number: TAS6424-Q1 Tool/software: PPAP No. : PPAP20240924-035426
We requested Automotive PPAP documents in Setember 24th.
Please check this request.
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS6424 Tool/software: Hi expert,
Our customer wants to know the resolution of TAS6424E-Q1 DAC.
For example, if the resolution of an internal DAC is 12 bits or 10bits?
Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1 Tool/software: Hi expert,
When our customer is using the TAS6424E-Q1, if all four channels are in Play mode, after pulling the STANDYBY pin low and then high again, do they need to re-Play all four channels?
Xiaoxiang …