Part Number: TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
There is a TI reference design involving, two motors on a single C2000 controller. I was wondering if someone has experience with this design, and could…
Part Number: TIDM-02007 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28379D , BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV Hi team:
I am using the TI design "Dual-axis servo drive with fast current loop (FCL) control reference design" to run the motors.
All materials are…
You may refer to the example in motor control SDK if you want to implement the FCL for dual-axis that's the update one and is suitable to be as a starting project.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-02007 , DRV8316 , DRV8316REVM , INSTASPIN-BLDC , C2000WARE-MOTORCONTROL-SDK , C2000WARE Hi Team,
My client is now using the TIDM-02007 based code and switching the driver to a DRV8316. This means that the way current sampling…
Sorry. You are right, the maximum voltage is 44.3V for BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM, I mixed the board with the other DRV8305EVM board.
This project is a very old project, was designed ten years ago. Seems like the DRV is not controlled with SPI and GPIO of LAUNCHXL…
Can you take a look at That TI design supports both the LAUNCHXL-F28379D and BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV which you want to use.
You might refer to the reference design TIDM-02007 and have a look at the guide and application report accordingly that should have answers to your questions.
You can check the PWM output on the connectors of boostxl_…
Hi Team,
Thanks for the info, please can you confirm this applicable to TMS320F28335 also. In the documentation provided by you didn't specify TMS320F28335 .
Thank you.
I wouldn't say it is better with one vs. the other.
In general the C2000 CPU is 50% - 100% more effective MHz than Arm M4F for these type of control loops, but the Arm devices are often running at 50-100% higher clock rates so it effectively evens…