Part Number: TL1431M Tool/software: Hello,
Is the mask for a TL1431MJGB with DC1933 of the the revision B ? (the same as DC1648)
Thanks in advance !
Best regards
Hey Lee,
There is a TL1431M which is available in a CDIP package: Its not full commercial, but its not space grade
Figure 7-2 in the TL1431-SP datasheet shows how you would use the TL1431-SP as a 3.3 V reference.
Part Number: TL1431M Dear Support,
I'm quite surprised with the min and max reference input voltage stated in our datasheet page 7:
At 25°C, we are qualified at 2.475Vmin and 2.540Vmax, while the other grades (standard, automotive, EP, etc...), under…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN54AHC123A , SN54AHC14 , TL1431M , TLC2543M I'm looking for single event effects data for any of the following part numbers: CD4516BF, TL1431M, SN54AHC123A, TLC2543M, SN54AHC14. Any idea of where I can find information…
Part Number: TL1431 Hello!
I would like to use the TL1431 as a window comparator as depicted in Figure 34. Voltage Monitor of TL1431, TL1431M SLVS062N datasheet.
The main issue is the voltage that I should monitor. It is a +270Vdc. Any suggestion please…