Part Number: TL431LI-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431 Tool/software: Hi Ti team,
I have a query regarding Vka voltage of TL431 in the feedback loop of dc-dc converter,
What is the VKA voltage value , is it same as Vef=2.5V??
From the above…
Part Number: TL431LI Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431 Tool/software: Hi team,
To compare the accuracy with TL431LI with NJM431, Ik is different in condition (10mA vs 1mA). Does it make difference on accuracy? How can TI prove TL431LIAI is better…
Part Number: TL431LI-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team I need some clarification.The cathode current IKA mentioned in datasheet is only the current consumed by regulator or it includes the load current.IKA_min =0.6mA for this part
Part Number: TL431LI Tool/software: Hi Team,
I would like to confirm the temp coefficient calculation, should I refer to the equation in section 8.1 directly? And is the delta TA in the equation 165C(125- - 40)?
Part Number: TL431LI-Q1 I would like to ask the maximum off-state current of TL431LI-Q1 at 125°C.
There are contradictory information in the datasheet. I use the following datasheet:
There is a table…
Part Number: TL431LI-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431 Hello team,
Customer want to use TL431LIAEDBZRQ1, some application questions are as below:
1) The output is 2.5V. Does TL431 have any requirements for the voltage drop between input and output…
Part Number: TL431LI-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL431 , TL431LI Hello TI Engineers,
I am using TL431LIBQ to design the feedback compensation network for single switch forward converter. I have two questions in this regard,
1. In the datasheet Fig…
Part Number: TL431LI Hi team,
In the figure 7-3 and 7-4, it says VKA=VREF at the lef top of the graph.
But VKA is variable in the charactoristic.
What does VKA=VREF means in this grapf?
Does it mean VKA_max=VREF?
Also, I want a explaination for the meaning…