Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC1518 My current project requires that I capture analog inputs up to 40kHz bandwidth from 4 sources simultaneously. I'm using the TLC1518 as my ADC and I seem to have hit an impasse with this chip.
At the moment,…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC1518 I'm just getting started interfacing to the TLC1518 over SPI from a PIC32 uC. (SPI is configured for 16 bit mode)
The data sheet is either lacking, or I am interpreting it incorrectly. Here are the issues I…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC1518 Hi,
I got a sample of the TLC1518 last week and since then I tried to get the SPI communication running. But for some reason the SDO Signal of the TLC1518 does not respond as expected.
I setup the internal SPI of…