The TLC59731 fixed our issue. Once we installed the TLC59731 on the board, we discovered the rise time from 0V to 4.2V was 22ns. The 25ns pulse on the TLC5973 was just not sufficient to drive the line high. See attached screenshot of the TLC59731 SDO…
Hi Juan,
I'm not clear on what you are asking here. Seems the original question about a TLC59731 Evaluation Board was never addressed, and looking at the TLC59731 webpage, there is not such an Eval board or Dev Kit listed. Are you looking for a TLC59731…
Hi Den,
We have TLC59731 and TLC5971 whcih can meet your interface requirment, but the votlage can't support 24V.
May I know your application end enquipment detail?
Part Number: TLC5973 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TLC5971
We are considering TLC5973/TLC59731 for a new addressable RGB LED fixture design.
Will this IC be supported in the future?
Do we have to be aware of any potential patent infringement when…
Thank you for the response!
> I think it is not OK to set XBLNK continually high. One reason is that here are three GS counters are implemented and count the rising edge of GSCKx to control each of the three color outputs. The falling edge of XBLNK…
We have TLC59731 support this kind of application. If you need higher grayscale bits, you may also choose TLC5973 which is 12bit PWM.
You mentioned the supply voltage will be only 3.3V, this is OK for TLC5973/731, but may be not enough for LED…
It's funny... after 6h of hard working trying understand my mistake I discovered that the driver in my hand is not a TLC5973 but a TLC59731... Converted the code to do 8 bit transmission instead of 12 and the LEDs light up... Yes... I also add a current…
Hello Alex,
If you don't want control LED current by PWM, then a simple ON/OFF driver with Dot Correction(DC) function will be suitable for you. I suggest tlc5922, which is an ON/OFF driver, 16 channels, 80mA/channel. Each channel have 7bit DC, can adjust…