Part Number: TLC6983 Hello,
We are using one TLC6896 to drive a 48x16 monocolor red led matrix. In our schematic we use 6.8k for Rref. We want to achieve 20 mA output current. I am attaching our list of parameters that we are currently using. The problem…
Part Number: TLC6983 In the document, the below comments are a little confusing so I want to be sure,
" lines are not used in each matrix, and these unused pins can be floated.
For the software, TI suggest zero data to send to the unused channels. There…
Part Number: TLC6983
I'm studying the specifications of TLC6983.
I'm a little confused with here Blank Time Removal.
" From Equation 3, 83.4-MHz GCLK frequency and 1.44-us line switch time, the calculated blank time is 0.572 ms …
Part Number: TLC6983 What is the max frame rate when I use just 16x16 LED matrix with one TLC6983?
In my comprehension,
I need total clock count = (ST+HB+1pixel DATA+END) * 16 channel * 16 line = (18bit + 16bit + 17*3bit + 18bit) * 16ch * 16line = 26368…
Part Number: TLC6983
Could you help check the below TLC6983 schematic and any need to adjust
5531.918_V3(11S)_20220721.pdf 6428.918_V3(11S)_20220726.pdf
Part Number: TLC6983 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529 , Hello Texas Instruments,
I'm trying to control a LED matrix display with an Evaluation Board MSP430F5529 and a custom DOT LED matrix display controlled by TLC 6983. For SW part, I used…
Hi Monet
For your question 1.The pixel pitch is about 0.3mm. 2.We choose BGA mode because our application is for min iLED display, VQFN body size is too big. 3.The maximum output current per channel is 16mA. (Each pixel output is 1mA, there is 16 pixel…
Part Number: TLC6983 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5890
Hi Team,
We need your help ont the clarification for alternative usage for TLC6983. The customer wanted to drive higher voltage devices rather than LEDs.
They plan to have the row RGB outputs…