Part Number: TLC7524 Hello, I want to use TLC7524 in voltage output mode. There are some items which were either unclear in the datasheet, or not touched on at all.
Could you check my schematic, with these particulars in mind?
1. WR and CS are tied low…
Part Number: TLC7524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM224 Hello,
I'm monitoring out. When I'm giving Digital input DB0 to DB7 is 255, but output is maximum of 3.7V. When I'm giving full digital input, I'm receiving 3.7V only. I need output of 0V to…
Part Number: TLC7524 i am using TLC7524CPW on my design, can i get the minimum resistance between OUT1 and REF for any combination of digital inputs? In our circuit there is one instance where we pull REF to ground. I wanted to collect the minimum resistance…
Part Number: TLC7524 Hi
I'm Venky,
im using TLC7524, i want to vary output volatge is (0V ~ 5V), what i have to do for REF & RFB pins, please help me for this design.
Part Number: TLC7524 Dear Team,
1. It will need both VDD and Vref supply to IC, right?
2.Output connect to OP as buffer isnecessary?
3. With unipolar output, do it have positive output?
Or it is a negative output only?
The customer is looking for 0~3…
Part Number: THS4031 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC7524 , THS3091 , THS3491 Tool/software: Hello, I need an alternative to THS4031ID with similar low settling time and low noise characteristics but with higher capacitive load drive capability. I am…
Part Number: TLC7524 I had help from a previous post and I thank you. I tried to make a close match TINA design to the TLC7524. The DB pins are driven manually instead of using 3.3v logic.
My pins of interest are VREF => +5v, VDD => +5v but not shown…
Part Number: TLC7524 I am using this component with a Vref of -9v. I am using the Figure4 configuration in the pdf. Is there a simple modification of this schematic to generate -3v to +9V utilizing all 8 bits of the TLC7524?
Part Number: TLC7524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL052 , DAC8820 I want to use the TLC7524 to drive a TL052 op amp to generate a 20KHz square wave that ranges from -1v to 8v.
Here is my thought
Per the TLC7524
Vref -9v
Rfb +9v
Vdd 3.3v
Out2 to gr…
Part Number: TLC7524 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM358 Hello!
I am using the TLC7524 to generate a sine wave for my senior project. I have been having issues getting bipolar mode operating. I am using a Vref of 2.5V and the output amplifier is a…