Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Greetings
Questions related to TLC7705QD device
For the switching characteristics I need to confirm if all propagation delay times are tested across temperature during production.
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Greetings
Currently we are testing Pat# TLC7705QD (non military grade )Power supply monitor and need to clarify the following
In the switching characteristics table, the Delay Time is specified at 25C with limits …
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Hello,
Can you please confirm if part PN TLC7705QD is under statistical control.
If it is, can you provide a list or a document that details the Statistical control processes of part PN TLC7705QD
- Gamalier …
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Greetings
Working with device TLC7705QD came across an error on the data sheet SLVS087M Revised March 2012
Negative-going input threshold voltage, SENSE (2)
VIT- is measured in mV for revision…
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Hello,
PN TLC7705QD bondwire changed from Au to Cu per PCN # 20120808000 issued from CY 2012. The part mass changed because of this bondwire change ? If it did, please provide the mass of device with gold bond wire and…
Part Number: TLC77 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS3808E
I will use TLC7701 for reset signal circuit.
The reset duration is approximetry 5sec.
I will connect 47uF x 5 to CT pin.
I would like to confirm limitation for maximum…
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Hello,
PN TLC7705QD bondwire changed from Au to Cu per PCN # 20120808000. This change affected the dimensions of the SOIC package ? This change affected something else on the device besides the bond wire material ?
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Hello,
Please, provide the following information for the device TLC7705QD:
- Fabrication Site
- Wafer Fabrication Site
- Assembly Site
- Manufacturing Site
Gamalier Rivera Villafañe
Part Number: TLC77 Tool/software: Greetings,
Working with device and generating a testing procedure to new bond wire material.
What testing method it is preferred to evaluate the bond strength for the copper bond wire?