Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Tool/software: Hello,
I am trying to add echo cancellation block after my 10-3800 khz band passed sound using Pps. It has 8khz sample rate. After I searched the forum I found this topic:…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Tool/software: Dear Support Team
I cannot find any description of the measurement criteria for the rise/fall time.
For the TLV320AIC3254, within what percentage range should the measurement be taken?
Best Regards,
Nagasako …
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Tool/software: I purchased the EVAL board for TLV320AIC3254 and I can't download the DFU driver on the mother board. I can't find it either in the file directory for the downloaded purpath studio.
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254-Q1 Tool/software: Hello:
What is the relationship between TLV320AIC3254-Q1 and 6PAIC3254IRHBRQ1? I can find these two name in TLV320AIC3254-Q1's datasheet, but i can not find any information about the relationship or difference…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC3268 Tool/software: I have gone through several discussion over same topic and TI recommendation to use external DSP to host AEC. I want to know
1. If I still want to host AEC on AIC3254…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Tool/software: Hello,
I'm trying to use the "WaveGen_rom" block, but none of the framework in purepath studio would allow me to use it. Can you please help?
Dear Jeff,
Answering for Elad, yes the decoupling caps are placed according to the guidelines in the datasheet. Also we don't see noise coming from the power supply.
I have a few follow up questions since we did manage to advance to other areas in…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3254 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM2732 Tool/software: Hi all
Many people asking about AEC in the TLV320AIC3254 which advertises AEC but then it's been removed. TI response over the years suggests its not powerful enough, yet…
Hi Jeff:
You mean you've verified the BT module is transmitting correctly but there is no Mic audio? YES
I will check the DOUT pin signal. BTW. here is CC3200AUDBOOS schematic