Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Is there any replacement suggestion for ADAU1761?
The customer wants to use it for microphone beamforming design!…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Tool/software: Dear TI,
I am working on a project that uses an ESP32-S3 MINI module with a TLV320AIC3256. Generally, things are working really well. I am able to download my PurePath generated project to the AIC3256 and it…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 We are developing compressor settings for a product using the AIC3256. We are using PurePath studio.
The audio sound-shaping developers come from an audio focused background. They are sending me settings that are from an analog…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PUREPATHSTUDIO I am using PurePath studio to develop my DSP flow / profile. I am looking for the following DSP modules:
1) De-esser
2) Multi-band compressor
Is there something in PurePath that…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Hi TI E2E, After 14 years our current AEC solution for intercom product is EoL and are looking for a replacement. I gather that due to integration complexity, TI are selective in which opportunities you pursue. Some information…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Hello Everyone,
I have configured the MiniDSP (output DSP) for 7 bands of parametric EQ. I would like to adjust Fc, Q, and gain at run-time. However, the only control exported by the assembler is gain? How to I get access to…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358 , TLV320AIC3263 Hi Ti Team,
I read the previous forum question which states that TLV320AIC3256 can't run Acoustic Echo cancellation (AEC), and It was suggested to use an External DSP for…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3256 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS2552 HI TI Team,
In one of our Consumer product we are planning to use Audio codec# TLV320AIC3256. Here we have the following queries to be resolved.
1) We require to drive a Mono Speaker…
Hi Vijaya,
For Pmic calibration, kindly consult to PMIC vendor.
One more thing, can you check whether the audio signal from PMIC is little endian or big endian? Right-justified, left-justified or center? what's the bitwidth of the audio sample and audio…