Part Number: TLV5631
I cannot find a spec for the logic input levels. I want to run the DAC on 5V but control it with a 3.3V CPU. Please advise the logic thresholds for the digital inputs.
In the application information section regarding POR, it says…
Part Number: TLV5632 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV5630 , TLV5631 Tool/software: Hi,
I am trying to figure out how the output voltage is calculated.
- The TLV5632 is a 8 bit DAC
- from the datasheet page 10 it is stated that " The output voltage…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV5631 Hello,
I plan to use the TLV5631 DAC to set a small voltage for the input of eight voltage-to-current converters.
The external reference voltage is only 100mV. So the max. output voltage (1023Digts) of the TLV5631…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV5631 , TMS320F28335 Hi!
I have TMS320F28335 Experimenter Kit and want use external DAC ( TLV5631 ).
I'm programming with simulink.
Which pins must connect together?