Part Number: TPS63020 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62090 Tool/software: Our OBU board recently had some cases of TLV62090 and TPS63020 damage.
Our two TPS63020 and two TLV62090 are powered by one power supply. Currently, we suspects that there…
Part Number: TLV62090 Dear Team,
Please tell me about the feedback voltage accuracy of TLV62090. In the data sheet, the condition for Feedback voltage accuracy is VIN > VOUT + 1V. What is the feedback voltage accuracy for VIN ≦ VOUT + 1?
Best regards…
I believe it is a limitation of DCM operation at low current and the VREF point, compounded by a higher SS current (which is halved in newer TI chips for this genre). Subsequently without using a current sense amplifier it is a compromise between a high…
Part Number: TLV62090 Dear All,
About Absolute maximum rating of TLV 62090. The PG voltage range is 0.3 to Vin + 0.3 V.
However, PG is an open drain output. Why is the maximum value not an absolute value?
Part Number: TLV62090 Hi team, Do you have undisclosed errata for this device? It seems we cannot see the errata on the page of TLV62090 in the website, but please let me know if you have.
Regards, Satoshi
Part Number: TLV62090 Hi
I am not sure how to calculate softstart time.
If Css = 7.5nF
tss = 7.5nF x 1.25 / 7.5uA = 1.25 ms
do this is right way to calculate Tss time
Part Number: TLV62090 Hello,
The output voltage level of the TLV62090 is lower than the expected design(Normal 1.0V / Abnormal 0.94V).
Please advise on the cause.
Thanks a lot.
Part Number: TLV62090 Dear Team,
Because most of our D-Cap device family have documents mention no need to test the bode plot.
I am not sure this DCS-Control™ need to test the bode plot or not.
If not, please provide the official document.