Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM
I am trying to implement bootloader for TM4C123GH6PM at first i tried to make changes in the example project given in Tiva series (demo_serial example project) from UART0 to UART1 in bl_config.h file as shown…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello Everyone!!
I am trying to implement custom bootloader for TM4C123GH6PM by considering an example project (boot_serial) available in Tiva library. i have made changes with the communication interface from…
Hi Charles,
I managed to fix this issue by adding a timer that calls,
pxMBFrameCBTransmitterEmpty( );
You have to be careful as if the timing is too fast the state machines will not be not be in the right state and the asserts() will fail.
The timer is…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello Everyone,
I have a really frustrating simple problem. PRINTF() does NOT WORK!!!
I have two projects, project_A and project_B. I want project_A printf() to work and send text to the console.
The source files…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP432E401Y Tool/software: Whether TM4C123GH6PM SDK and examples have TI RTOS integration and its relevant integration in the SDK?
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello,
I am porting bmm350 sensor code to Tiva-C platform.
The authors took advantage of function pointers and cleverly designed structs to create a driver in…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello,
The hibernate trim is applied for each 60 seconds, but when exactly does it execute? Does it do it according RTCs beginning of minute each time a minute begins?
Best Regards,
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello,
I have systick running with period of 80000000 / 1024 to get 1024 ticks per second and my SysTickIntHandler does:
void SysTickIntHandler(void) {
if(g_ui32SysTickCount %…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello Everyone,
I am new to programming flash memory and need some help.
I have some user settings that need to be saved in non-volatile memory.
I have found an example here,…
Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM Tool/software: Hello,
How can I obtain cpu ticks without using the debug mode counter?
What is the best way of obtaining timing programmatically? By timing I mean a subsecond high precision counter.
I have my systick executing…