Part Number: TMDSDOCK2808 Tool/software: Hello,
I am inquiring about the TMDSDOCK2808. I am curious if there is some pre-made software code that would assist with radiation testing a TMS320F2808. Ideally, the software would exercise the device to the…
Part Number: TMDSDOCK2808 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio I ordered a tmdsdock2808 (digikey 296-23543-ND). It looked good on paper! Nice price and it came with a CD bearing CCS7.
But, there does not seem to be a simple project in controlSUITE for the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE Hello, I just purchased a tmdsdock2808 kit, and I loaded the flashing led example to try and get familiar with the software. The first time it loaded and the led flashed, I shut down the power. I was doing…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F2808 , TMS320F2811 , TMS320F2812 Dear all
I am a student at the university of kasetsart, Thailand. I interest on TMDSDOCK2808. I want to know that what is including in developtool.
1. Does it include F2808 controlCARD…
It looks like on the Schematic and the Gerbers are in CS for this kit. The manual is on at this URL
Hi Emma,
I am using TMS320F2808 Experimenter Kit(TMDSDOCK2808), not sure about the revision. CMS version is I tried with both v150 and v160 iqmath library.
Yes other iqmath functions are working properly. I only get #16002-D build attribute…
Hello Asim,
I am not sure I understand your question. When you say TMS320F2808 I take it you are using this kit:
If so, the docking station includes an integrated USB JTAG debugger.
Kind regards,
Billy Stevers
You don't say what specific board you are talking about here. Do you mean the F2808 ControlCard? The ControlCard documentation is here: Documents