Hi Anthony
OK, thanks for the help.
Anthony said: I have made our teams aware of both of these issues and are looking into them, I will get confirmation on the status of them.
When can you provide the test results for this?
Anthony said: Is Auto-Refresh…
Part Number: TMP468 Tool/software: hi Team,
customer studying TMP468 and according to the BJT request in the datasheet (P.32)
TI recommends using MMBT3904 (NPN) or MMBT3906 (PNP) and needs to meet the following:
they are consulting with their BJT vendors…
Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP468 , BQ40Z50 Tool/software: Hi TI Experts,
I have some questions about using the TMP468 with the BQ40z50-R5:
As stated in the TRM, the SCL/SDA of the TMP468 should be connected to TS3 and TS4…
Part Number: TMP468 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Hope your doing good, we are using TMP468AIRGTR temperature sensor in our project. We are facing issues when we try to write data to Lock Register 0xC4 of temperature sensor.
From the TI forum we understand that…
Part Number: BQ40Z50 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP468 , Tool/software: hi Team,
with the bq40z50-R4 FW, TI has added the support to extend the temperature monitor with TMP468
can we check if there is reference schematic to show the connections…
Part Number: TMP468 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP119 Regarding the "Remote temperature sensor accuracy" in the datasheet of TMP468, the question is:
if the TD (remote temperature sensor) is fixed to 125C, and for TA (TMP468 temperature…
Part Number: TMP468 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP61 Tool/software: hi Team,
the TMP468 is suggested to work with the bq40z50-R5 battery gauge IC to expand the temperature support
From the datasheet, the TMP468 uses NPN or PNP BJTs to detect temperature…
Part Number: TMP468 In TMP468 datasheet (SBOS762B –NOVEMBER 2016–REVISED JUNE 2017), Table 8 Config Register Bit Description there seems to be an inconsistency in stated POR value. The Table 8 header states the power on reset value for the…